
Jim is my yoga instructor and when I heard him speak about PDTR to another student, my ears perked up. I had a traumatic injury two months prior and, there were times that I was still in pain, especially in my back and down between my shoulder blades. I went to Jim’s office feeling hopeful but without really expecting the dramatic results. I was really surprised that after only one session… the episodes of pain are almost non-existent!! And when they occur, it is much milder and with shorter duration. I plan to go back for a follow up session now that I know that it truly does work. Jim is very knowledgeable and explains everything in “easy to understand” language. . I would highly recommend him to anyone who suffers with chronic or intermittent pain.


Yoga Practitioner, (Medial Knee and Low Back Pain)

I had torn my Achilles tendon back in 2008 and most recently had this process into medial knee pain and Sciatica in my right leg. Any time I squat or sit, it fires the sciatica on my right side. Since I am an avid cyclist, this has been severely impacting my ability to be able to ride. Jim’s NKT and PDTR correction process has been truly amazing. I’ve been nagged by this constant pain for over 4 months, after just 3 sessions, I can finally say that I’ve had my first pain free experience! Thanks to Jim, I feel like I can pursue my passion for riding again.


Small Business owner and Avid Cyclist , (Fibromyalgia, Migraines and Anxiety)

I was diagnosed with herniated disks between my C5-C6 vertebrae. I specifically sought out a Therapist with a certification in Neurokinetic Therapy and PDTR – Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex. My colleagues and I have discussed that these are two of the most leading edge soft tissue modalities that address root cause issues. Jim has advanced training in NKT, PDTR and Sports Medicine. With his help, I think that I’ve finally gained an understanding of not only where my pain (Specifically in my neck) come from, but also what to do to correct it! These techniques are highly regarded in their own right, but together, they are an incredible system of pain relief in my eyes. Personally, I would like to see all of my clients go through Jim’s NKT assessment process to identify and reduce potential compensations. And PDTR really closes the deal for anyone experiencing pain or discomfort from a faulty Kinetic chain.

I would definitely recommend Jim to assess all of my clients as one of his specialties is helping people/ athletes that have repetitive stress issues. It would really be worth your time to have my guy Jim Keenan take you through some of the processes he uses and see for yourself!


Professional Golfer and Father of Young Ones, (Neck and Shoulder Pain)

I am someone who has been in constant pain in some form or another for many years. I have been to doctors who diagnosed Fibromyalgia, Migraines and Anxiety and prescribed pain meds. I have also tried years of chiropractic but nothing seems to help much. Then I met Jim and after my first NKT and PDTR session with him I actually felt much noticeably better. Jim is meticulously working through all my various ailments. From migraines and vertigo, neck, shoulder, wrist and hand pain, achy stomach and legs, I have it all! It is an ongoing process but I can honestly say that Jim’s Neurokinetic Therapy, PDTR and Massage are definitely having a positive effect. He has made a huge improvement in the quality of my life and I would recommend him to anyone experiencing similar chronic issues.


Computer Expert and Homemaker , (Fibromyalgia, Migraines and Anxiety)