P-DTR or Proprioceptive – Deep Tendon Reflex  is a therapy system created by orthopedic surgeon Dr. José Palomar.. Proprioception is vitally important to the way the brain communicates and sends instructions to the muscles. Proprioception is the technical term for HOW the brain determines the body’s neuromuscular responses…

Touch, pressure, pain, hot, and cold are examples of neuromuscular responses. So depending on how your receptors are functioning determines whether you FEEL pain, experience dysfunction (muscles not working as they should, overburdening other muscles) OR if your body functions optimally and pain free.
When the proprioceptive system is not functioning properly, incorrect information results in the brain making bad decisions. The muscles will not perform the steps needed to achieve the real desired action – and that is why dysfunction and pain are two results of faulty receptor responses.

P-DTR combined with Massage Therapy provides a way to repair faulty connections. After a thorough exam of muscle function, the therapist is able to reestablish a connection of healthy responses to the brain. The result is painless, proper motor function.

Here’s an analogy:

Computer systems require 2 things to operate: 1) Hardware – which is the physical computer and network. 2) Software – which is the applications that we run; Word, Excel, Apple Google Docs, etc. If an application ‘locks-up’, you need to re-boot the Hardware to clear the faulty application. It requires BOTH, the faulty application to be cleared and the computer to be re-booted.

Most forms of therapy ONLY focus on the bodies’ Hardware which is the muscles, tendons, ligaments, spinal alignment, etc. If the software receptors aren’t reset, they will continue to send faulty information into the brain. That is why dysfunctional movement patterns and pain keep returning, even after you’ve had therapy. The problem can’t be fixed unless the software bugs are identified, isolated, and eliminated. P-DTR®, combined with the use of Massage Therapy can quickly identify and restore our human system communications. The swift results are hard to believe! P-DTR resets the bodies’ Proprioception software.